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Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. All rights reserved. General product information 1. There is not a release of Autodesk Quantity Takeoff software. Autodesk Navisworks Manage and Autodesk Navisworks Simulate software include new rich quantification features built on the trusted Navisworks platform.

Navisworks Manage and Navisworks Simulate are in the Autodesk Building Design Suite Premium and Ultimate editions, respectively, and include new rich quantification features built on the trusted Navisworks platform. Technology 2. The Navisworks platform is the starting point for aggregated model-based workflows, and a natural place for us to focus on building an integrated set of quantification, coordination, planning, and project review tools.

This strategy provides a strong platform to help address our customers demands for 5D workflows. In both Navisworks Manage and Navisworks Simulate releases you can bring quantities from an aggregated model into a project. You can also mine quantities from model properties and create placeholders for non-modeled items.

In addition, you can tie quantification data to model objects without properties. This ability to go from high-level detailed models to virtually no details and still allow for more accurate quantity takeoff supports the entire project team, from design to field execution.

The Navisworks quantification feature functionality includes: Item and resource catalogs. Import or create item and resource catalogs. Associate items with resources. Model takeoff. Automated takeoff from object parameters. Manual takeoff for modeled objects.

Virtual takeoff for non-modeled objects. Quantification reporting. Export to Microsoft Excelspreadsheet software Change Analysis 2. Navisworks Manage and Navisworks Simulate releases include quantification features built from the ground up, based on intensive customer and user feedback and the experience gained with the Quantity Takeoff product.

These features enable more customers to bring quantities from an aggregated 3D model into a project. The Navisworks products currently do not support 2D takeoff. We recognize that 2D takeoff is still a very important part of a number of our customers estimating practices and therefore we continue to support Quantity Takeoff as a stand-alone product. Here are some of the features that you will experience following your Autodesk Quantity Takeoff The installation wizard displays the path to the installation.

Click Browse to change the location. Website functionality is dependent on the use of necessary cookies. Privacy Pass is another way to avoid this page from appearing in the future. Version 2. You can download it now from the Chrome Web Store. Click on the country you wish to visit and then review the Autodesk license agreement. Before you can click Next, accept the agreement by clicking I Accept. You can find the most recent information at the bottom of each page. The reports can be easily generated in customized wallpapers.

Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Get Into Pc. Rectangle Area Takeoff. Yields an area measurement from rectangular geometry. Ellipse Area Takeoff. Yields an area measurement from elliptical geometry. Counts takeoff objects. Removes a takeoff measurement from a closed polyline area. Rectangle Backout Takeoff.

Removes takeoff measurements from rectangular geometry. Ellipse Backout Takeoff. Removes takeoff measurements from elliptical geometry. Count Backout Takeoff.

Removes count takeoff. Markup Tools Shape. Adds markup shapes to a sheet. Options include Line, Polyline, Rectangle, and Ellipse. Adds markup text to a sheet. Adds a callout to a sheet. Adds a stamp to a sheet. Canvas The canvas is the large area in the middle of the QTO window, which displays the sheet or 3D model selected on the Documents palette. On the canvas, you create takeoff from sheets and models, annotate sheets using markup tools, and validate the completed takeoff data.

When displaying a 3D model, the canvas contains an additional screen element that is not displayed with sheets: the ViewCube. Click the ViewCube to switch between standard and isometric views of your model. Use the compass ring on the ViewCube to orbit the model in any direction.

Palettes The menu bar at the top of the QTO window gives you access to all available actions. Clicking a Project documents, takeoff data, and the tools you use to organize and view documents and data are arranged on palettes that display as tabs on the left side of the QTO window by default. Put the cursor on a tab to display the palette. If a palette is not shown in the QTO window, you can access it on the Window menu.

Documents Palette The Documents palette is where you store and organize all sheets, models, and images for your project. The document you select on the Documents palette displays on the canvas. Project documents are organized in a folder structure that is similar to the navigation tree in Windows Explorer. You can add, rename, and delete folders to organize project documents.

In the following illustration, the Documents palette contains the folder structure that is created when you import files for the Basic Takeoff project in this guide. In a later exercise, you reorganize the folders and documents. The values in the Takeoff column represent the sum of manual takeoff and visible automatic takeoff for each sheet and model.

Automatic takeoff that is present in multiple views is counted for each document in which it is visible. The check box in the Legend column controls the visibility of sheet legends. A legend is a reference table on a drawing sheet that lists and defines the colors used for takeoff markup on the sheet.

You can add a legend to any 2D sheet in a QTO project. Large Thumbnails: Displays a scaled-down image to the left of the sheet name. Thumbnails can serve as a graphical index, making it easier to visually scan and recognize images.

Tip You can also access the display options by right-clicking an empty area of the Documents palette and clicking View Options. Takeoff Palette The Takeoff palette is where you store and manage all takeoff data for a project. The data is organized in the following hierarchy, which forms the organizational structure of your project: Groups: Like folders and subfolders, groups store takeoff data.

In QTO, this highest level of organization is represented by groups. You can create multiple levels of groups and subgroups. Items: Groups contain items, which are families of objects, such as interior walls and plumbing fixtures, to be measured and counted. Objects: Items contain objects, which are individual instances of the takeoff items in the sheets and models in your project.

This hierarchy of groups, items, and objects is graphically represented in an expandable and collapsible navigation tree. In the following illustration, the Takeoff palette contains the takeoff data you create by doing the exercises in this guide. View and Edit Options The left side of the Takeoff palette contains check boxes that you use to control whether takeoff graphics are shown or hidden on the canvas and whether takeoff data can be edited.

Use the Takeoff palette context right-click menu to access another view option: The Views command locates and zooms in to a selected takeoff object. A checkmark in a box at any level of the tree indicates that takeoff graphics are visible on the canvas. A group-level selection controls the visibility of all subgroups, items, and objects within the group. An item-level selection controls the visibility all objects within the item. Objects can be selected individually.

A in a box at any level of the tree. In addition, when you lock an item, you cannot delete it or drop objects into it although you can add objects to it using takeoff tools or assignments.

To locate a takeoff object on the canvas: 1. On the Takeoff palette, right-click the object, and click Views. QTO displays a list of all project views that contain the object. Select a view drawing from the list. QTO opens the view and zooms in to the selected takeoff object. To zoom back out to the full window view, click View Fit to Window. Properties Palette When you view a DWF sheet or model that was published from a design application, such as AutoCAD Architecture or Revit Architecture, the Properties palette displays property data for an object selected on the canvas.

For example, when you select an interior wall on the canvas, the published DWF properties for the wall display on the Design tab, and the takeoff measurements display on the Takeoff tab, as shown. Navigator Palette When you are viewing a 2D sheet on the canvas, the blue frame on the Navigator palette outlines the area of the sheet that is currently in view.

This can be helpful when you are working with a very large detailed sheet. The blue rectangle acts as a magnifying glass on the sheet. Drag it to reposition the view location on the canvas. At the bottom of the Navigator palette is a zoom control toolbar. Use the controls to zoom in or out by small or large increments. Model Palette When you are viewing a 3D DWF file, the objects that are published from the design application display on the Model palette in a navigation tree that is similar to the tree in Windows Explorer.

You can make a selection at any level of the tree, and then right-click to access commands for filtering the display of the model on the canvas and for creating takeoff for the selected group, item, or object: Hide. Hides the selected object s from view Hide Others. Hides all objects from view except the selected object s Show All. Restores the default view of the model, with all objects shown on the canvas Transparent.

Toggles the object display between transparent and opaque Invert Selection. Selects all objects except the object s selected on the Model palette Takeoff. Creates takeoff for a selected group, item, or object and places the results on the Takeoff palette Takeoff to Item.

Adds takeoff results for selected items or objects to a specified item on the Takeoff palette View Options As you work with a 3D model, click View menu Standard Views to access a full set of model views:. Contextual Tools Palette The Contextual Tools palette identifies the currently selected tool and provides access to tool options, such as line or fill color, opacity, hatch pattern, text color, and font size.

Bookmarks Palette The Bookmarks palette displays any bookmarks that were created in the drawing file by the design application from which the drawing file was published. Use bookmarks to navigate to published or user-specified locations in the sheet or model.

Layers Palette Use the Layers palette to show or hide layers that were created in the design application from which the drawing file was published. Search Palette Use the keyword search feature on the Search palette to locate all occurrences of a word or phrase in sheets, models, takeoff groups, items, and objects. Use the navigational links in the search results to navigate to an item and view its takeoff data.

You can then use the Search palette to refine the results. Use the Workbook to view detailed takeoff data for the active sheet or the entire project. The Workbook is organized by tabs that match the top-level groups for example, disciplines, divisions, or trades on the Takeoff palette. It contains one additional tab: the Summary tab, which is a compilation of all takeoff information for all categories.

Note The units of measure that display in the Workbook are typically specified when you create takeoff items; however, you can modify them directly in the Workbook. By default, the Workbook shows a summary of takeoff items with their associated quantities.

To display their material, labor, and equipment costs, right-click any column header in the Workbook and select the cost columns to display. The quantity and cost data in the Workbook can help you answer questions, such as: How many doors are needed for the 3rd floor? How much will they cost? What will it cost to install them? From the summary view, double-click an item to display the detailed object data associated with it.

To return to the summary view, click the Back button in the upper-left corner of the Workbook. The Forward button ,. Select an item and click to view its object data. In the summary view, the tabs are active.

Click a tab to view its contents. In the detail view, the tabs are inactive dimmed because the view is limited to the object data for the selected item.

Working with Data in the Workbook The Workbook contains object data for all of the takeoff you create in a project. When you select an item on the Takeoff palette and use a takeoff tool to count or measure a piece of geometry on a sheet, that takeoff measurement is recorded for the item in both the summary and detail views of the Workbook.

As long as the item remains selected on the Takeoff palette, subsequent takeoff measurements are added to the totals for that item in the Workbook. Navigate and edit Workbook cells using functionality like that found in Microsoft Excel.

With a cell selected: Press the TAB key to move one cell to the right. Use the arrow keys to move up, down, left, or right one cell at a time. Override item data, such as dimensions and measured quantities, by making entries in cells and pressing the ENTER key.

Use the formula bar to enter formulas for items and objects. Viewing Data for the Current Sheet or Entire Project By default, the Workbook displays takeoff data for the current sheet; however, it includes the option to view data for the entire project. To switch between Sheet and Project views, click and select a view option. When Sheet is selected, the name of the sheet or model displays in the Workbook header.

When Project is selected, the name of the project displays in the header. The filter option you specify is applied to both the summary and detail views of the Workbook, and it is saved as a display setting, so it persists from session to session. To change the height of the rows in the Workbook, click menu decreased proportionally. Resizing the Selection Field The Selection fields in the upper-left corner of the Workbook displays the group, item, or object that is currently selected in the Workbook.

To change the width of the Selection field, put the cursor over the boundary on the right side of the field. When the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, drag the boundary until the field is the width you want. Workbook palette Workbook palette menu Workbook Filter,.

Row Size, and select a size option. When you increase or decrease the row size, the font is increased or. Cross-Selection of Objects When you select takeoff geometry on the canvas, the corresponding object is selected both on the Takeoff palette and in the Workbook. Similarly, when you select an object on the Takeoff palette or in the Workbook, the takeoff geometry is selected on the canvas. This 3-way visual cross-referencing of objectson the canvas, at the project level Takeoff palette , and at the sheet or project level Workbook can help you manage and validate takeoff data.

These are the rules that govern the visual cross-referencing of objects: A selected objected is always highlighted in blue on the Takeoff palette and in the detail view of the Workbook. When the item that contains a selected object is collapsed, the item is highlighted in gray, indicating that it contains the currently selected object. On the Takeoff palette, expand the item to see the selected object. In the summary view of the Workbook, double-click the item to see the selected object.

When the takeoff group that contains a selected object is collapsed, the group is not highlighted. Expand the group to see the highlighted item; expand the item to see the selected object. When an object is selected on the canvas, right-click it, and click Locate Object to quickly find the corresponding item and object on the Takeoff palette. QTO expands groups and subgroups on the Takeoff palette, as needed, to expose and highlight the selected object. The object is also highlighted in the Workbook, but QTO does not expose it automatically as it does on the Takeoff palette.

Setting Up Your Workspace This section describes various options for arranging the elements of the QTO user interface to suit your work preferences. Arranging Tools and Palettes You can move the toolbar and palettes to best suit your needs. At any time, you can revert to the default workspace layout by clicking Window menu Move the toolbar: Drag the move handle on the docked toolbar, or the title bar on the floating toolbar, to the new location.

Reset Window Layout. Move a palette: 1. On the palette title bar, click. Drag the title bar to the new location. When you drag the palette, docking controls display at the center of the canvas and at each edge to show where the palette can dock.

Center docking controls 3. Drag the palette over one of the docking controls, and release the mouse button to dock the palette. You can move columns on the Documents palette and in the Workbook.

The column settings you specify persist from session to session. Hide or show a column: Right-click any column heading, and click the name of the column you want to hide or show.

Change the width of a column: 1. Put the cursor over the boundary on the right side of the column heading. The cursor changes to a double-headed arrow when the boundary is selected. Drag the boundary until the column is the width you want. Optimize the width of a column: Double-click a column boundary to change the column width to fit the contents. Sort columns: By default, columns are sorted alphanumerically in ascending order.

Click a column header to sort the values in the column alphanumerically in descending order. Click the column header again to sort it in ascending order. Change the column order: On the Documents palette and in the Workbook, move any column except the Description column by selecting it and dragging it to a new position on the palette.

Change the tab order in the Workbook: Move any tab by selecting it and dragging it to a new position in the Workbook. Organizing Your Project When you create a project, the documents you import are organized in folders on the Documents palette. After creating the project, you can import additional documents.

You can also move, rename, and delete documents and folders at any time during the project life cycle, but it is generally best to organize project documents before you start the takeoff process.

In the following exercises, you add documents to your project and organize them on the Documents palette. You also organize the Takeoff palette to set up the structure that will hold the takeoff data you create.

Importing Documents When you import DWF files, the sheets and models are placed in folders with names that are derived from the names of the DWF files. Each folder contains all sheets that were in the DWF file. For image files, such as TIF files, each folder contains one sheet.

Import documents: 1. Click Import. A folder is created for each imported file. Organizing Documents All project documents are organized in folders on the Documents palette. You can add, rename, and delete folders, and you can move documents among folders to organize them for efficient use.

In this exercise, you organize documents in folders based on view type, such as Floor Plans, Ceiling Plans, Sections, and Elevations. Delete a folder: 1. Right-click the folder, and click Delete. In the alert dialog, click Yes. You can delete documents individually, or you can delete them collectively by deleting a folder. Note that if there is takeoff on a sheet or model you delete, the takeoff is deleted from the project.

Rename folders: 1. Tip Alternatively, you can highlight the folder or document name, and click it to enter editing mode. Using the same method, rename the following folders:. Move documents to folders: 4. Using the same method, move all of the 2D sheets to the appropriate folders, and delete the empty folders, as shown:. Rename a document: 6. Organizing Takeoff Groups and Items When you created your project, you based it on the Getting Started catalog, which populated the Takeoff palette with takeoff groups and items.

In this exercise, you add, delete, and rename groups and items to customize the Takeoff palette for your project. After you customize the Takeoff palette, you export it as a catalog, which can be used in other projects.

Delete unneeded takeoff groups: 1. On the Takeoff palette, click the lock icon in the column header next to Description, and click Yes when. This unlocks the catalog, allowing you to make changes. Select Specialties and click Tip: Delete. As you saw in an earlier exercise when importing a catalog, you can exclude groups from your project catalog by clearing check boxes in the Select Items to Import dialog.

Takeoff groups, whether created through the catalog import process or with tools on the Takeoff palette, can be deleted at any time. If you attempt to delete a group or item that contains takeoff data, QTO alerts you that your selection contains takeoff data and prompts you to confirm the deletion. Rename a takeoff group: 3. Right-click Shell, and click Properties.

For Remarks, enter Exterior Construction. Click OK. Add top-level takeoff groups: 7. On the Takeoff palette, click an empty area of the palette so that nothing is selected, and click Group. Tip: 8. A top-level group is added to root of the Takeoff palette.

Using the same method, add these top-level takeoff groups: Building Site, Furnishings, and Plumbing. Be sure to click an empty area of the palette before creating each group. Add subgroups: Select Electrical, and click New Group. The Lighting Fixtures subgroup is added within the Electrical group.

Using multiple levels of groups helps you create the organizational structure you need for your project. Using the same method, add these subgroups:. Rename an item: Expand Exterior Exterior Walls. The dormitory project requires a different type of exterior wall. Click the item name to enter editing mode. Enter Wall, Exterior, Brick on Mtl. After you modify a catalog, you might find it helpful to save it for use in another project.

Export a takeoff catalog: Click File menu Export Catalog. In the Save as Catalog dialog, to export the catalog to a non-default location, navigate to that location.

The hierarchical structure of the groups and item data displayed on the Takeoff palette is saved in the catalog. Modifying a standard catalog and saving it with a new name is an efficient way of creating catalogs to meet the requirements of your project or office standard.

Use catalogs to ensure a consistent data structure across QTO projects within your organization. Creating Takeoff Items QTO uses a takeoff item to represent a specific material or unit summarized in a materials list or catalog. Takeoff items can be simple, such as a door, or more complex, such as a wall assembly, which is made up of several component items. In the following exercises, you create a takeoff item and an assembly on the Takeoff palette.

The manner in which takeoff is calculated for each item is determined by the item type you specify when you create the item. The following item types are available: Linear. A linear takeoff item yields a linear measurement. Examples of this item type include trim and beams.


Quantity Takeoff Fa Q Update | PDF | Autodesk | Auto Cad - Stories inside


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